Eid Al Fitr Prayer
*Eid al-Fitr is on Wednesday 4/10/2024*
*Where:* Grand Park
19000 Grand Park Blvd
Westfield, IN 46074
*When*: Takbeerat at 8am and Eid prayer is at 9am.
*Zakat Fitr*: The amount of Fitra is $15 per person in each household. Please pay today to distribute it.
*Traffic:* Please keep in mind there will be more traffic due to the congregational size and being a school day. Please be patient and allow yourself ample time for driving and parking.
*Seating*: We have a limited amount of chairs for those who need it. Please be considerate of those who need them, as once they are full, there will be no more.
*Prayer Rugs*: *please bring your own prayer rugs*, as none will be provided at Grand Park.
*Shoe Bags*: will be distributed at Grand Park to place your shoes in. Please discard after use in the appropriate bins.
*Khateeb:* Dr. Nasser Karimian will be leading salat and giving the khutbah this year, inshAllah.
*Parking:* our main lot is Parking Lot C.
Once the lot is full, we request that you go to the secondary *parking lot G*. Failure to park in a designated space will lead to ticketing or tow; subject to the car owner’s expense. There is no cost for parking.
*Primary Parking Lot: C*
*Secondary Parking: Lot G*
There will be *shuttling services provided by Charter Up from parking lot G*. There is no charge to shuttle. It’s about 10 minutes walking distance from Lot G to the event center if you decide to walk.
Please see the attached PDF for a map of Grand Park.
Alhuda Foundation BOD